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Vision & Mission

Her Holiness AMMA’s Vision and Mission is to work for the concern, humanity to the highest order and offer her unrelenting efforts to make this happen and bring it to reality:

  • The Trust provides food for at least for one lakh pilgrims or devotees every day.
  • To help people who come for help - whatever may be their help / request, AMMA’S trust will fulfill the same. Once the help / requests are fulfilled and if their problems are solved after visiting this temple, AMMA requests them in turn to pay back their affordable help / request in return as their contribution which will help another needy person with any other problem.
  • The Trust's 25% profit will be accumulated, and the trust will identify 10 villages around the temple’s location and invest on new proposal, which will give employment for many people around like - education, employment for uneducated poor, widows, handicapped and many more. The trust ensures that the villages become sophisticated and developed, and the people get job opportunity for better living.
  • In Hindism the seven rivers are counted as the holy rivers of India: Ganga. ,Yamuna, Godavari, Saraswati, Narmada, Kshipra [Sindhu], Cauveri, this Holy Water is of special importance in Hinduism. Apart from its life-sustaining properties, holy rivers are immensely used for devotees. Bathing also has religious significance, a holy bath in the water of the sacred rivers are believed to solve all the sins and fear of death. But it will be difficult for an individual to go to all the above places in his or her lifetime to bathe in the holy river and wipe-off their sins. Hence our AMMA will construct 7 wells filled with water from the above 7 rivers; the water will be brought and blessed from the Lord Venkateswara temple and filled in the wells. By doing this any individual can come to her temple and have bath to wipe off all the sins and fear from death.
  • Yagam - The sacrificial ritual of Hinduism will be conducted daily - any individual, according to Hindu scriptures, all mortal beings are destined to pass through four great epochs in every cycle of creation and destruction. An individual who is told to do yagam but not able to afford by menas of money the indivudal can come and join the yagam at free of cost. If the individual is not able to have physical presence, family support. any person can come to the temple and join the yagam to do the ritual.
  • Amma wants to serve and reach 110 crore people across the globe through her service.