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About Amma

Mrs R. Jamunaa Rajendradu, who is called as AMMA, was leading a beautiful and peaceful life, when on a fine day during her meditation in the year 2004, Goddess Sree Mahalakshmi visually instructed AMMA to build a temple for her. This inspired AMMA and she has started to construct a magnificently huge temple with lot of service offerings to the public and the devotees who throng to this temple.
To make the temple a bench mark and a much talked about holy and divine shrine in India, she wants all the devotees across the globe to come and visit this temple, seek the blessings of the goddess and contribute to the trust by means of funds, services, material or bear the expenses of any part of temple construction which will be utilized to facilitate the incoming devotees.
Her Holiness AMMA has generously executed and expedited enormous number of activities for the needy, down trodden and the economically suffering society through many charitable activities to help the down trodden sections of the society and their wellbeing. After all, it’s not only about donating money or any other form or kind; it could even be a very small object that can make a BIG Difference in the world. Donation in the form of money is exempted under Income Tax: 80-G.