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Running Hospital

Kancheepuram district is very large population in Tamil Nadu there are 70% to 80% children and adult are affected in the seasonal disease which for their in hygienic condition, this situations is coining for them continuously because of their poverty condition, there is no Proper llealth facilities in that particular rural areas and also no proper transportation in that area as well as all the target peoples are lack of awareness with health seeking behaviors in this situation our trust as to plan to running hospitals for benefit of deserving and suffering community

The required funds for the project is Rs. 100 Cr.

1 Cost of Land Es. Rs. 10 Cr.
2 Cost Earth Work Rs. 4 Cr.
3 Cost Bricks Rs. 10 Cr.
4 Cost of Steels . Rs. 36 Cr.
5 Cost sands Rs. 10 Cr.
6 Cost of Cements Rs. 46 Cr.
7 Cost of Labour works Rs. 50 Cr.
8 Cost of Wood works Rs. 10 Cr.
9 Cost of painting Rs. 10 Cr.
10 Cost of blue stones Rs. 10 Cr.
11 Cost of equipments & corpus funds Rs. 4 C r.
Total Rs. 200 Cr.


Providing Houses

Kancheepuram is the big population in Tamil Nadu, there are so many families are joint families in kancheepuram district and there are living with their family members in conveniently and also there are having lands for their own hands, our trust has to plan to construct houses for the home less people and joint families people in Kancheepuram district. If the work completed for them, there are I lacks families are benefited through this schemes and they will be benefit in the rainy nut hot season

The required funds for the project is Rs. 200 Cr.

1 Cost of Land Rs. 10 Cr.
2 Cost Earth Work Rs. 4 Cr.
3 Cost Bricks Rs. 10 Cr.
4 Cost of Steels . Rs. 136 Cr.
5 Cost sands Rs. 10 Cr.
6 Cost of Cements Rs. 46 Cr.
7 Cost of Labour works Rs. 50 Cr.
8 Cost of Wood works Rs. 10 Cr.
9 Cost of painting Rs. 10 Cr.
10 Cost of blue stones Rs. 10 Cr.
11 Other expenses for construction work Rs. 10 Cr.
Total Rs. 200 Cr.


AIDS Prevention Activities (C & S)

The required funds for the project is Rs. 100 Cr.

Details of budget

1 Training and Orientation for Staffs and Peer Educators Rs. 10 Cr.
2 Salary for Staffs Rs. 20 Cr.
3 IEC materials Rs. 10 Cr.
4 Non — Recurring items Rs. 4 Cr.
5 Rent for mini hospital and office Rs. 6 Cr.
6 Orientation for affected families Rs. 10 Cr.
7 Care and supports services Rs. 10 Cr.
8 Medicines Rs. 14 Cr.
9 Socio Economic activity Rs. 10 Cr.
10 Health campus Rs. 4 Cr.
11 Evaluation / Monitoring/supervision Rs. 4 Cr.
12 Evaluation / Monitoring/supervision Rs. 4 Cr.
13 Administrative Expenses Rs. 4 Cr.
Total Rs. 100 Cr.


Environmental Activities The required funds for the project is Rs. 100 Cr.

Details of budget

1 Training for Staffs & organizer Rs. 10 Cr.
2 Salary for Staffs Rs. 20 Cr.
3 IEC materials Rs. 10 Cr.
4 Formation of Eco — clubs Rs. 10 Cr.
5 Planting treese Rs. 10 Cr.
6 Non — Recurring items Rs. 10 Cr.
7 Evaluation / Monitoring/supervision Rs. 10 Cr.
8 Administrative Expenses Rs. 10 Cr.
Total Rs. 100 Cr.


Orphans, Old age home and Community Based Rehabilitation Activity

The required funds for the project is Rs. 200 Cr.

1 Training for Staffs & organizer Rs. 30 Cr.
2 Salary for Staffs Rs. 24 Cr.
3 Food and Other expenses Rs. 20 Cr.
4 lEC material Rs. 20 Cr.
5 Non — Recurring items Rs. 20 Cr.
6 Skill orientation training for beneficiaries Rs. 16 Cr.
7 Equipments for beneficiaries Rs. 15 Cr.
8 Psycho therapy excise Rs. 20 Cr.
9 Evaluation / Monitoring/supervision Rs. 15 Cr.
10 Administrative Expenses Rs. 20 Cr.
Total Rs. 200 Cr.


Socio Economic Activities

Kancheepuram is the big population in Tamil Nadu state, there are so many poverty elevation in and around kancheepuram district, the man soon has been failure continuously in this situation peoples are helpless to run their families continuously, the 1 local government has been denied the people for socio economic activities because of scarcity of funds for government. In this situation our trust has to plan to implement in socio economic activities in the entire district for the benefit of deserving and suffering community .

The required funds for the project is Rs. 200 Cr.
Details of budget

1 Milch animals distribution Rs. 30 Cr.
2 Goat rearing distribution Rs. 30 Cr.
3 Nursery development Rs. 20 Cr.
4 Land Development Rs. 20 Cr.
5 Horticulture development Rs. 10 Cr.
6 Skill Oriented training Rs. 10 Cr.
7 Food processing Rs. 20 Cr.
8 Weaving work Rs. 20 Cr.
9 Kitchen gardening Rs. 10 Cr.
10 Mat weaving Rs. 10 Cr.
11 Clothes manufacturing and sales Rs. 10 Cr.
12 Sales of sanitary items Rs. 10 Cr.
13 Production and packing of seeds Rs. 10 Cr.
Total Rs. 200 Cr.